Sunday, 1 May 2011

No Poo Challenge Day 11

11 days in and i'm feeling really gross. My hair looks absolutely awful. It's so greasy and hard to hide. I've been tying it up the last few days so that it doesn't look as bad but when i let it down it just looks lank and dirty. When i brush my hair i have this weird whist substance on the hairs.

On the positive side it doesn't smell or anything like that and my natural curls are still coming through. I'm just hoping that my hair hurries up and reaches the 'turning point' because i'm starting to feel really dirty, even straight after a shower.

Fingers crossed! xx

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

No Poo Challenge Day 7

So it's been a week since i've washed my hair with shampoo and i must admit that these past couple of days have been the hardest so far. My hair has been feeling rather gross. It has been taking my hair ages to dry and even when it is dried it looks wet/greasy.
Nevertheless i have noticed that my hair has been reverting back to it's natural wave that i had when i was younger (as you can see in the photo). The hair is still quite manageable. It still stays in place much easier and has more volume but when I tie it back it does look like it has been slicked back with grease.
I have been debating whether to abandon the experiment but after reading some other people experiences i found that everyone hits a few 'hard days' where your hair really does feel and look gross. I've come to realise that i must push through otherwise i'll never achieve the result i want.

So on with the experiment and hopefully i hit this 'turning point' i've read about. xxx

Friday, 22 April 2011

No Poo Challenge Day 4

Well it's been four days since I last washed my hair with shampoo and my hair has changed slightly. It doesn't look any different but it is slightly waxy to touch and it takes much longer than usual to dry after a shower but nothing too drastic. So far no itching and it doesn't smell or anything like that so it's going well :)

I've noticed that my hair is staying in place easier but it's as if it's been waxed down not a natural fall. Maybe it's just the scalp over-producing the oils at first and making it waxy. It should subside with time so i'm not worrying about that too much. It has a bit more volume than before but it's not as bouncy as it used to be.
Nevertheless so far so good...onwards with progress i guess :) xx

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

No Poo Challenge Day 1

My best friend recently told me about an experiment she is doing where she stops shampooing/conditioning her hair. According to research, shampoo strips your hair of it's natural oils. Not using shampoo is supposed to let the natural oils of your hair take over and make your hair better ad healthier. Therefore i have decided to try this experiment myself and see the results.

I shampoo and condition my hair everyday and if i don't it gets horribly greasy. I have decided that maybe the reason my hair gets so greasy so quickly is that it has become dependant on my shampoo. So maybe this experiment is just what it needs. It may not be easy and i've heard that the transition stage may look and feel slightly uncomfortable but i'm determined to try it out. After all my friend has been doing i for two months and already her hair is starting to look much nicer. It has more volume and it looks healthier.

So last night was the first night where i did not shampoo my hair. I just rinsed and massaged my scalp. To ensure my hair didn't not up i combed it through in the shower. Obviously it is only the first day so i haven't noticed anything different. I know it won't change overnight but nevertheless i shall keep updating my blog with how it turns out. The picture is of my hair after not washing it for one night. A little greasy but nothing major. So here we go...

Wish me luck :) xx