Sunday, 1 May 2011

No Poo Challenge Day 11

11 days in and i'm feeling really gross. My hair looks absolutely awful. It's so greasy and hard to hide. I've been tying it up the last few days so that it doesn't look as bad but when i let it down it just looks lank and dirty. When i brush my hair i have this weird whist substance on the hairs.

On the positive side it doesn't smell or anything like that and my natural curls are still coming through. I'm just hoping that my hair hurries up and reaches the 'turning point' because i'm starting to feel really dirty, even straight after a shower.

Fingers crossed! xx

1 comment:

  1. The white stuff is the residue of the oils, in other words it is the natural oils over-producing. Brush it out and wash your brush. It seems nasty but it will pass. I have nearly hit 3 months and my hair is amazing now, so don't worry there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :) Speak soon love. xxx
